Danske Bank Case Eligibility
Investors who purchased shares of Danske Bank on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange (Nasdaq Copenhagen: ISIN DK0010274414) between 2007-2019 and suffered losses after the revelations in 2017-2018 of the critical deficiencies in Danske Bank’s anti-money laundering protocols and procedures, are eligible to pursue compensation via this ISAF-sponsored Group litigation in Denmark.
The process to recover losses requires damaged investors to proactively join a litigation group and aggregate the collective losses in a single claim before the Court. Németh Sigetty has filed the first wave of this collective action on December 27, 2019 in the District Court of Copenhagen, Denmark on behalf of the eligible investors in the ISAF group. [See Press Release] The next group of filings will be filed in in the coming months of 2020. Investors who experienced losses must contact ISAF so that eligibility can be verified and claims can be properly registered with the Court.
Institutional investors who purchased Danske Bank securities between 2007 through 2019 must contact ISAF to determine loss estimates and eligibility.
For a full list of all eligible equities and bonds, contact ISAF today.